Thursday, April 19, 2018

HVAC Procedures and Forms Manual Second Edition by Herb Wendes, P.E.

HVAC Procedures and Forms Manual Second Edition by Herb Wendes, P.E.
Introduction to Second Edition
This second edition of HVAC Procedures and Forms has been expanded to include a new section
titled Hitting Home Runs in Technical Management. The new chapter covers the management of problems, trouble shooting and decision making in the HVAC industry in a more effective, systematic, and thorough manner. Included are the principles and procedures of the home run process, an actual complete case history, and forms which complement the procedures and help guide you through the process. The five other sections of the manual provide a quick reference and guide on procedures, charts and forms in some of the most critical areas of operations in the HVAC industry, testing, balancing, energy auditing, indoor air quality, load calculations, and cost estimating. The manual is written for contractors, building engineers, and technicians, as well as for balancers, maintenance personnel, and servicemen. It is a valuable guide for managers and supervisors for planning, scheduling, controlling, monitoring, and resolving problems quickly and effectively in mechanical systems.
• The comprehensive procedural sections guide the manager or technician effectively through
testing, trouble shooting, auditing, air quality, and problem solving operations.
• The forms are concise, comprehensive and optimally organized for easy gathering of data and for reference. They prompt the user for essential information needed in the different areas of
work. They serve as a check-off list to insure completeness and effectiveness of operations. The procedures and forms in this manual were created by the author over a period of twenty-five years. He personally applied the procedures and the forms successfully in the field andoffice. He tested, modified and developed them and proved them to be meaningful and accurate. Thousands of engineers, technicians, balancers, maintenance personnel and contractors have applied the procedures, used the forms, and provided positive feedback. They have been used in schools and for training guides. Because it would take many years to develop valid, workable, analytical procedures and forms, and because this information is now compiled in a single reference—the user will save countless hours in performing the technical operations, and in assimilating and organizing the data, onvirtually all types of mechanical systems and buildings.
Download The Book For Free In PDF Format


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