Tuesday, May 15, 2018

LINEAR AND NONLINEAR CIRCUITS BY Leon 0. Chua, Charles A. Desoer and Ernest S. Kuh

LINEAR AND NONLINEAR CIRCUITS BY Leon 0. Chua, Charles A. Desoer and Ernest S. Kuh
1 Kirchhoff's Laws
2 Two-Terminal Resistors
3 Multiterminal Resistors
4 Operational-Amplifier Circuit
5 General Resistive Circuits
6 First-Order Circuits
7 Second-Order Circuits
8 General Dynamic Circuits
9 Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis
10 Linear Time-Invariant Circuits
11 Network Functions and Stability
12 Circuit Topology and General Circuit Analysis
13 Two-Ports, Multiports, and Reciprocity
14 Design and Sensitivity
Electrical engineering is a discipline driven by inventions and technological breakthroughs. To mention one: 20 years ago, engineers barely knew how to produce an IC chip: now some chips have one million devices: it is expected that with foreseeable developments in silicon technology during the next decade chips will have 10' devices. Also the ubiquitous presence of the computer terminal reminds us of the enormous impact of computers on engineering design. Clearly such tremendous changes would have considerable influence on engineering education. In teaching a course on introductory electrical circuits. the traditional approach has been to teach exclusively linear time invariant passive RLC circuits. Admittedly they constitute a good vehicle to learn the dynamics of such simple circuits. Clearly such an approach is obsolete. It is clear that circuit theory is one of the basic disciplines of electrical engineering; a well designed circuit theory course should cover the basic concepts and the basic results used in circuit design. It should serve as a foundation course to be followed by courses in various fields of electrical engineering, e.g., communication and signal processing. electronic devices and circuits, control and power systems, microwaves and optoelectronics. etc. . .. The concept of device modeling and its applications to currently used devices are crucial in a course on linear and nonlinear circuits: many examples of device modeling are given in the text. Furthermore, the course should be designed so that the graduate from such a curriculum knows how to approach the devices and circuits yet to be invented but that he or she will encounter, say, 10 to 15 years from now. With these goals in mind, the present book presents material with sufficient breadth, depth, and rigor to give a solid foundation to the student's future professional life. At the University of California, BerkeIey, as in most American engineering schools, there is a sophornore 45-lecture-hour course called Introductory Electrical Engineering. Its purpose is to give a broad introduction to most of the aspects of electrical engineering.


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