Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Mechanical Engineers’ Handbook Materials and Mechanical Design Third Edition By Myer Kutz

Mechanical Engineers’ Handbook Materials and Mechanical Design Third Edition By Myer Kutz
1. Carbon and Alloy Steels  Bruce L. Bramfitt
2. Stainless Steels  James Kelly
3. Aluminum Alloys  J. G. Kaufman
4. Copper and Copper Alloys  Konrad J. A. Kundig and John G. Cowie
5. Selection of Titanium Alloys for Design  Matthew J. Donachie
6. Nickel and Its Alloys  Gaylord D. Smith and Brian A. Baker
7. Magnesium and Its Alloys  Robert E. Brown
8. Selection of Superalloys for Design  Matthew J. Donachie and Stephen J. Donachie
9. Plastics: Information and Properties of Polymeric Materials  Edward N. Peters
10. Composite Materials  Carl Zweben
11. Smart Materials James A. Harvey
12. Overview of Ceramic Materials, Design, and Application R. Nathan Katz
13. Sources of Materials Data  J. G. Kaufman
14. Quantitative Methods of Materials Selection Mahmoud M. Farag
15. Stress Analysis Franklin E. Fisher
16. An Introduction to the Finite-Element Method Tarek I. Zohdi
17. Design for Six Sigma: A Mandate for Competitiveness James E. McMunigal and H. Barry Bebb
18. TRIZ James E. McMunigal, Steven Ungvari, Michael Slocum, and Ruth E. McMunigal
19. Computer-Aided Design Emory W. Zimmers, Jr., and Technical Staff of Enterprise Systems Center
20. Data Exchange Using STEP Martin Hardwick
21. Engineering Applications of Virtual Reality Xiaobo Peng and Ming C. Leu
22. Maury A. Nussbaum and Jaap H. van Diee ¨n
23. Electronic Materials and Packaging Warren C. Fackler
24. Design Optimization: An Overview A. Ravi Ravindran and G. V. Reklaitis
25. Design for Manufacturing and Assembly with Plastics James A. Harvey
26. Failure Modes: Performance and Service Requirements for Metals J. A. Collins and S. R. Daniewicz
27. Failure Analysis of Plastics Vishu H. Shah
28. Failure Modes: Performance and Service Requirements for Ceramics Dietrich Munz
29. Mechanical Reliability and Life Prediction for Brittle Materials G. S. White, E. R. Fuller, Jr., and S. W. Freiman
30. Total Quality Management in Mechanical Design B. S. Dhillon
31. Reliability in the Mechanical Design Process B. S. Dhillon
32. Lubrication of Machine Elements Bernard J. Hamrock
33. Seal Technology Bruce M. Steinetz
34. Vibration and Shock Singiresu S. Rao
35. Noise Measurement and Control George M. Diehl
36. Nondestructive Inspection Robert L. Crane and Jeremy S. Knopp Physical Ergonomics
The first volume of the third edition of the Mechanical Engineers’ Handbook is comprised of two major parts. The first part, Materials, which has 14 chapters, covers metals, plastics, composites, ceramics, and smart materials. The metals covered are carbon, alloy, and stain less steels; aluminum and aluminum alloys; copper and copper alloys; titanium alloys; nickel and its alloys; magnesium and its alloys; and superalloys. Chapters on some of these materials, such as ceramics, smart materials, and superalloys, are updated versions of chapters that have appeared in the Handbook of Materials Selection (Wiley, 2002), and they are entirely new to the Mechanical Engineers’ Handbook. The intent in all of the materials chapters is to provide readers with expert advice on how particular materials are typically used and what criteria make them suitable for specific purposes. This part of Volume I concludes with a chapter on sources of materials data, the intent being to provide readers with guidance on finding reliable information on materials properties, in addition to those that can be found in this volume, and a chapter on analytical methods of materials selection, which is intended to give readers techniques for specifying which materials might be suitable for a particular application.




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